Wednesday runs are an easy run day. The easy runs are important. It allows you to recover from the hard days and race days. The end of the season is upon us.
You have worked hard all spring, and the end of the season races are your focus.
Jakob Ingebrigtsen took the Bowerman Mile, photo by Kevin Morris / @kevmofoto
Your workout for today, June 1, 2022, Wednesday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes, moderate running, 6 x 150m stride outs, cooldown
2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 21, Day 3
Monday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x 150m stride outs, cooldown
Tuesday: Warm-up, 30 minutes moderate running, 2 sets of 10 x 150m, cut downs, 200 m walk-jog between, 30 minutes moderate running, cooldown
Wednesday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes, moderate running, 6 x 150m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: Warm-up, 8 laps on the track, sprint straights, jog turns, 30-minute easy run, cooldown
Friday: warm-up, 40-50 minutes moderate running, 6 x150m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm-up, primary race distance or, 3 miles, sprint straights, jog turns, cooldown
Sunday: 75-80 minutes moderate pace, on trails