This is Week 4, Day six.
On this day, we encourage you to find a small meet, and race an event or two that are shorter or longer than your normal distance. It is about racing experience. The more you race, within reason, the more experiences that you have, the better all around racer you have.
I loved all comers meets. During the summers, I would run the 2 mile many weeks, and during the winter, the same, then, try a 5000m. With my brother, who ran the mile, I would have him run a mile, and 4x400m, or an 800m and a 4x400m.
Des Linden, respecting carbo loading, photo from the Des Linden twitter collection
Special thanks to Brooks Running for sponsoring this daily training program and providing us access to Josh Kerr, Danny Mackey and Des Linden. To learn more about Brooks running shoes please go to
Today’s workout: February 5, 2022, Saturday: warm up, All comers meet, indoor meet, 800m if you are 3-5k, 3k if you are 800m person, 3k if you are 1,500m person, cooldown
Today’s clip from Des Linden, Des talks about drug testing,
The complete Des Linden interview is here:
Des Linden on witter:
Brooks Running Twitter:
Brooks Running Instagram:
Brooks presents: 2022 RunBlogRun Spring Middle Distance Daily Track Training (800m-5000m), Week 4, Day 6
Monday: warm up, 30-45 minutes moderate running, 4 x 100m stride outs, cool down
Tuesday: 45 minutes running on trails, 4 times 2 minutes hard, with 5 minute moderate running, warm up and cooldown
Wednesday: warm up, 30-45 minutes, moderate running, 4 x 100m stride outs, cooldown
Thursday: warm up, warm up, 45 minute fartlek, 10 minutes running, then 12 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy, 11 minutes running, then cooldown
Friday: warm up, 30-45 minutes moderate running, 4 x100m stride outs, cooldown
Saturday: warm up, All comers meet, indoor meet, 800m if you are 3-5k, 3k if you are 800m person, 3k if you are 1,500m person, cooldown
Sunday: 55-60 minutes moderate pace, on trails
To learn more about Brooks training shoes, racing shoes and spikes, please click here: